Discussing the principles and how they can be practically applied

Discussing the principles and how they can be practically applied

Here are our NOTES from the second online meeting (Demember 11th, 2020)

Principles Practical ideas for their application
There are unused capacities of the human brain/psyche Absolute faith in the reserves (Hypermnesia, Hypercreativity, Spontaneous Cure from didactogenic diseases)
  • Manifold increased input ( 5 times more and faster)
Infantilisation (becoming children again) Mother tongue natural acquisition processes
  • Toys, games, songs, dances
Learning is both conscious and unconscious Scenario-based / experiential learning
  • False identities / peripheral perception stimuli on POSTERS / meaningful repetitions
LOVE Motherly love = fading scaffolding
  • Gradual progress from T centred to L centred learning
FREEDOM Tender suggestion VS authoritative commands
  • False identities / Teacher as facilitator
Whole-brain learning Multi-sensory input / multiple intelligences / differentiation
  • Balanced emphasis on both hemispheres
(analysis / synthesis, reading/playing, sitting down/dancing etc)
Passive knowledge (recognition) is of the same value as active knowledge (production) The pyramid of knowledge: (greater volume at the bottom where passive knowledge accumulates and less volume at the top where there is production)
  • Taking time for output
Constructivist approach to learning (building up new knowledge on the basis of the existing knowledge)
  •  Translation in the mother tongue
Global-partial and partial-global treatment Exposure to global units (normal discourse, chunks of speech) Integration of elements (words, letters, grammatical phenomena) within the global units all the time each time
  • INTRODUCTION of each new UNIT
  • Songs
Classical aesthetics Suggestive Power of Classical Art and Music=Suggestopedagogy
  • RECITAL and CONCERT (active and passive sessions)
  • Artistic materials (textbook, posters) and activities
The Golden Proportion Harmonious alternation and balance between
  • Active and passive learning activities
  • Analysis and Synthesis
  • Cognitive and emotional stimulation etc
Concentrative psychorelaxation Mental alertness with physical relaxation = increased perception
  • Suggestive atmosphere
  • Classical Music